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About Jade Lewis

Tristan and Jade Lewis

About Jade Lewis

About Jade Lewis

At 15, Jade Lewis had the world at her feet.  She was a medal winning, aspiring young athlete with Olympic dreams.  She was chosen to race in the WA State Little Athletic Team competing in Singapore and Malaysia.  She broke records and won awards for her sporting achievements.   She had ambition, a loving family and countless friends.  Jade decided to go to rave parties and was lured into the drug scene.   By 18, she was addicted to heroin and on a downward spiral into drugs, crime and violence.

In 1999, by the grace of God, Jade found freedom from drug addiction after she entered the Teen Challenge program in Esperance, graduating in 2000.   Today she is on a whole new path.  She is an award-winning author, regular high school speaker, parent educator, charity founder and has a passion to helping female prisoners.  She is currently studying a Masters in Criminology.

She has won many awards including Overall Winner, Business News  40 Under 40 Community Services, Inducted into the WA Women’s Hall of Fame, Winner of the Pride of Australia, WA Premier’s Active Citizenship Award and was invited to meet the Queen at CHOGM. 

She is happily married to Tristan and together they have three amazing children.

About Tristan Lewis

About Tristan Lewis

Desperate for an escape from life Tristan began experimenting with marijuana, then ecstasy, believing it was recreational and fun. Very quickly it all spiralled out of control to the point he was dealing illegal drugs. This led to a short stint in prison.

Experiencing the depths of despair, Tristan knew he had a serious decision to make. By the grace of God, after his release from prison in 1999 and with the help of a rehabilitation centre, he was determined to embrace a new life.

Today Tristan is a Pastor, mentor, motivational speaker and an inspiration to many people. His story is living proof that no matter what your past is, there lies an amazing future if you make the right choices. He is a fantastic role model and a testament all people can live a free and successful life away from the past. He is happily married to Jade and is a great father to their three children.

As part of a commitment to help people change their own destinies, together with Jade, Tristan runs the “Just Say No” schools presentation program.

The not-for-profit public benevolent institution Jade Lewis and Friends Inc are committed to working with broken, hurting and marginalised women in our community who need help and support to rebuild and restore their lives.

The Yellow Ribbon Project for Second Chances includes a number of programs designed to help build safer communities and stronger families. Read more about the Yellow Ribbon Project here.